Monday, April 02, 2007

a story called love...

Chemistry's a subject we learn at school,
But life is the lab in which we put it to use..
The chemistry between a boy and a girl is never wrong,
If the girl loves the boy and the boy's love forever lives on..

But the truth is never revealed until the very end,
When the love dies and there's nothing left but lonely weekends..
Things just seem to have slipped out of reach..
When all along you thought that they were just peachy keen...

At last the realization finally dawns..
That the perfect story was written with a bunch of crayons..
The story was scrawled by a little girl..
Who knew not the truth about this big world..

Do any of us actually know the truth...
Or is it something that we cannot even begin to sleuth..
I think that love is something that cannot be found..
Its something that's way too compound..

Being lucky in love isn't necessarily the only thing..
Keeping things real and bickering..
Its all a part of a story called love..
A story which starts when you find the person who fits u like a glove..

This poem has nothing to do with my life at the moment..but is just a reflection of what I've been thinking about for the past few days...!!! They're pretty much 'random rhymes' just as the label proclaims that the are :)


Sandeep Sundaram said...

u keep changin ur template ..[:O]
though this template is gud the old one was very gud..
b/w did u desighn this template ..

Keshi said...

for me Love sucks.


Anonymous said...

"Keeping things real and bickering.."

How True!

Random rhymes u say so? naah... thoughtful lines they are! if i ever try writing a poem i wonder how it wud be?? :D :D


Sincerity said...

Hello! Nice blog! Great template! Did you make it?

I liked the poem! Very thoughtful and fun to read.

Feel free to drop by my end of the net some time. I have two blogs, one for poems and things that inspire me and another for everything else! :)

Impressionist said...

ur thinkin bout love for the past few days!?!? :>
"Being lucky in love isn't necessarily the only thing..
Keeping things real and bickering..
Its all a part of a story called love..
A story which starts when you find the person who fits u like a glove.."
Lovely lines. esp the last one[;)]!!

btw u didnt temme bout the template! :P

Peace & Love

amna said...

wow!! i cannot rhyme for nuts :( so jealous!

lemon said...

@devils advocate
he he..i had to change the entire look of the blog including the name for various reasons..hence the new look.. :)
i liked the old template a lot too..but this is probably a lil more mature..

hey..!! lol...m sure we all feel that way at some point :)

if u ever write a poem im sure that it would a 100 times more sense than mine :)
u seem quite the poet..u should give writing poems a shot :)

thanks..!! :) nice blog u got there :) visit again

i like the last line too..he he

of course u can..u jus haven't tried as yet..!! i was always under the impression that i couldn't write for peanuts...but now look at me..wit a blog n all :) and let only the blog ,m also making some very sad attempts at poetry..!!

and for all those who asked bout the template..!!
the template is actually downloaded from this awesome site called girlie bits but the thing is i redid most of the stuff..such as the title for the main banner...and i made all the side bar banners from scratch..and i also did the coding for the sidebar :)

but i am learning html and i will probably have a free blogger template blog by mid june..!! :) :) m jus waiting for my vaction so that i can plunge into this project with verything i will be looking forward to ur support :)

anyone who wants me to design a template for them..i'll be happy to do keep ur requests coming :)

'Mom'BA said...

Amazin one..Would rather use the word 'cute' for it :P
And yea,am ALSO obsessed with my feet :)

Keshi said...

lol Lemonade..for me that 'some point' is like everyday of my life :):)


Gauravbrills said...

Hi Lemonade ...

first of all thanks for a sip in this scorching summer ,also ur abstract imprints as you say somewhere touch to the so called chemistry of love within the two reagents of mankind ...

cheers !

ps] gr8 template ;)

darkling said...

gr8 lil template....lemon girl.....

Impressionist said...

Thanx for that Info.
I wud be happy if u could design one for me also :D


Peace & Love

Michelle said...

wow i really liked it!

Sincerity said...

lemonade: Thanks for visiting! Come by anytime. And Happy Easter... if you celebrate it that is. :)

Shy Machete said...

I like teh part bout how you love should fit like a glove. Profound i mus say.

Anonymous said...

You know the best way to go about love is, not to take it too seriously. Then, only then, it happens... So allow it to unfold itself that way.

Nice mish-mash of thoughts; and a well blended confusion. Now, isn't that love too?

MeMyself_n_I said...

very nice. i can't write poetry for nuts. :-(
and umm like keshi says, for me love sucks (though for me it's only least i hope it is!!!).
thanks for visiting my blog! hope you keep visiting. :-)

Unknown said...

good poem...
wish I could write like this...mine are more...morbid or funny

love..ah..its a fickle thing..and its just ..way too over-rated.

amna said...

hehe.. blueberry and cream, it was the flavour of the month.. wish i cud attach pics here.. i have one of it :D

shnaggy said...

uhh hullo lemonade.
i read your comment from shammu's...whewwww you design templates...that is just what i've been looking all over. i've asked rajeev bout it too. if i may ask one from you, would you mind? tailor made? am i trespassing? pardon me...

and btw, i am more than double your age and i must say that in love...always keep the mystery. without will go stale. take my word for it.

see yah...

shnaggy said...

thank you so very much lemonade!!!

Anonymous said...

yepppppyyyyy!!! me was thinkin of askin u abt it, make me some header,black bg :D,hehe,now am begini to love evrythin balck and dark..and if posible let there b somethin like a fairytale collections u know..buterflies..trees flowers...wings angels..blah blah blah :D :D anything... haaa, let it be anything, my ideas wud turn out crazy,so let it be anythin on a black bg, i wonder if i sound like...hmmmm :D :Danyways......... i rest my case, let it be anything.........heeeeeeeeheeeeeeee..takecare.......and thnk u.......

and time for an update na? ;) or busy kya?exams?

M (tread softly upon) said...

Hey...nice template. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You write poetry, and you design templates...I am in awe.

Sig said...

Yay - ur a genius when it comes to's awesome :P Love the poem too :D

Keshi said...

I luv luv luv ur profile pic!


Anonymous said...

heya baby girl.. I like the way you've put this across.. Have fun thinking it is so much fun you know!! As for being random, you should know that us literature people call it... Stream of Consciousness!!! dont know? Ask Virginia Woolf!!!

lemon said...

ha ha..i know that feeling..! lol..and thanks :)

whoa..? is that a compliment..? ;) thanks so much

@disillusioned darkling
thanks a ton :)

oye..mail me and tell me wat ur specifications id's in my sidebar :)

thanks mich..! :)

happy easter to u too :)

me..?profound..? well thats a first..!

well blended confusion certainly does remind me of love :)

@memyself and i
u have an awesome blog..had so much of fun reading it..! :)

yeah..i guess it is way too overrated...


my pleasure :)

sweeti...sent it u ur id..go chec it out..

i absolutely luurrvve ur actually quite honoured that u stopped by here :)

thanks sil..jus tell me wen and i'll start making urs :)

he it too.. :)

he he..i have to ask..a student of psychology..?!

Anonymous said...

me put it over to my blog .now , now and see it for urself...thnks a ton sweetykutty :)!

Impressionist said...

hey i mailed u the specs!!
Didnt u get them!?!?!?

Peace & love

Caladrius said...

love ? , whats that.. isn't it extinct?

Angad Singh said...

this template looks beautiful even though i don't like pink too much....that 'questions' one was the one i found most interesting...hehe...and those links there (the disgusting ones) were supposed to disgust people, heehee....

confessing7girl said...

Love the template of ur blog , love the theme as im a girl in my early twenties and i really know what u mean!!! it's soo hard being a girl!!!!!! :D:P