Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ooty 6

  • Sitting at a random net cafe in Ooty, where 800x600 resolution monitors and unbelievably slow Internet speeds seem to be the norm.
  • Surprisingly, I am not freezing my ass off and I feel like a complete fool considering the fact that I spent the last two weeks worrying about the cold. I happen to hate the cold, in case you didn't know.
  • Goosebumps were all I got walking on the streets in a saree at ten in the night. I expected to get a frostbite.
  • I decided to indulge the adventuress in me and take a walk alone to the Botanical gardens. Yes, taking a walk alone to the Botanical Gardens qualifies as an adventure in my book. I love going places by myself except for the weird looks I get from random guys on the street.
  • Being surrounded by shops selling home made chocolates while on a diet is not as hard as I thought it would be.
  • Have to run. Pray that I don't puke on all the people in the bus while going downhill. Oh, were you eating? I'm sorry.
  • No actually I'm not. I'm evil like that. :P

Monday, February 09, 2009

75 - 50 = ?

Well, I just spent the last hour going through my entire blog. Yes, my entire blog. And no, I am not self obsessed. Its just that I've been trying to figure out how the hell I managed to write so much then, when now, I can't even bring myself to string together a sentence that isn't whiny or verbally challenged or that won't drive you a hundred blogs away.

The above three sentences took 4 days to write. Seriously. V-E-R-B-A-L-L-Y C-H-A-L-L-E-N-G-E-D.

There was too much that I wanted to say and too much that I want to say that I didn't and still don't know where to start. That's what led to the "Not saying anything at all" phase. A phase that I seem to have gotten a little too comfortable in. 

Plus its a little intimidating when most of you bloggers, can effortlessly express yourselves in posts complete with a passion that is almost tangible. I on the other hand, like to dwell on the fact that I'm not one of you'll.

Just to completely prove that point, I'm going to do the '25 things' tag that seems to be around everywhere! (Stupid facebookers who think they can steal the concept of the tag from us bloggers.) This is with a slight twist though, because I have done variations of this tag a hundred times over and to do it for the hundred and first time is a little much even for a veteran bore like myself.

So here goes...

25 Things I wish I could have told my 'last year' self. 

(Ignore the grammatical error in that sentence)

1) Put that slice of pizza down. Now.

2) Your immune system of steel? A horrible bout of chicken pox is going to break that down, so don't be so cocky about it.

3) You were wrong about college. It does get worse.

4) The unfathomable will happen. You will discover that you love to cook.

5) And guess what? You're actually good at it, even when you wing it.

6) Yes, being the brunt of all the jokes is what you do best. Get used to it.

7) People will keep reminding you that you are 'emotionally hollow'. Tell them to shut the hell up.

8) You become a serial downloader. (pun unintended)

9) Your year is obviously quite boring, since I'm completely running out of things to say.

10) You learn to procrastinate procrastination.

11) Humor, at least the conventional kind does not run in your veins. Deal with it.

12) Your socially inept behavior is often misconstrued as snobbishness.

13) Read more. No,not more blogs, more books.

14) Stop fighting with everyone. I know it exhilarates you, but stop. Its unhealthy.

15) Get off the Internet.

16) In twelve months, you will fall head over heels in love with a certain Anoop Desai.

17) And yes, you still hate rain.

18) Kareoke nights with the choir will be the most fun you'll have all year.

19) You'll get your temper under control. Are you shocked?? Me too.

20) Keep singing at the top of your lungs when you ride your bike. Its completely worth it, even with all those people staring at you wierdly. 

21) You'll find your soulmate.

22) Don't get so excited. His last name is Inspiron 1520. And his first is Dell.

23) Don't binge on popcorn at 3 in the morning. 'Popcorn Puke' is not fun. At all. Seriously.

24) Two words. Flickr & Twitter.

25) You will lose the ability to write. This is proof.