I'm back..!!! After a really loooooooong break,which I'm happy to say was far more productive than my usual long breaks are.Aah..so much has happened in a few days..that I'm actually wondering how I'm gonna fit it all into a single post..but because i know myself so well..i can tell u that i most probably wont even remember everything to put it all in here (note to self: see u idiot..that's why u tell yourself to post everyday).
Ok..where do i start,where do i start...Saturday,the 3rd of march..a fairly boring day..spent some time with a friend who i hadn't seen in a while and went with her and another friend for coffee cause she wanted me to meet her flame of week (please don't be surprised..!! ) so we met up at mocha (which by the way is 'so yesterday' in chennai..!) and ended up not meeting the guy...anyway thats besides the point..after sitting around for sometime..i was getting pretty antsy and wanted to leave..to which my friends conveniently decided that they were coming back home with me...so we get home picking up two other friends on the way..which had me thinking why there were 5 of us going to my house randomly on a Saturday evening... and i say "randomly" because none of my friends ever land up at my house cause its so far out...so where was i..oh ya..so we walk up the stairs and i ring the doorbell expecting my mother to answer...which she did..but when i walked in..i was greeted by the biggest scream of "suprise" that i had ever heard,to which i retaliated with 10 non stop minutes of screeching at the top of my lungs(I'm not kidding..I seriously screeched....and..screeched...and screeches...and finally took a big breath and started screeching all over again..!!!)It was absolutely awesome..my cousin and my mum put together the whole thing..they invited all my friends from school and college (and N who came even though he was in the middle of his boards :) )..which was really cool cause they had never met each other before and it was the first time that my college friends were coming over...and wait that's not the whole thing..my cousin being the most amazingly sweet person that she is put together this movie for me with pictures right from when i was 1 to now..with cute little captions and awesome music..and in addition to that she made these little cards which she gave to all my friends for them to write something for me on them..i mean how lucky am i..?!! I have the best set of family and friends a girl could ever ask for..!!! This is my third suprise party in 2 years(everybody loves me ;)[kidding..!])Thank you so much Ma ad M..u guys seriously made my 18th birthday a day that i'll never be able to forget (even if i wanted to..! ;) )....and to think a few days before my birthday..i was thinking about what i was going to post on my birthday and i thought that i had the title all planned out..."birthday blues" i thought would be apt since i had the day all cut out to be extremely boring with nothing to do other than to turn the big one eight,but i was waaay off on that one...!!! Come to think of it..that morning i was sitting with my mum in the car and i was telling her about how it didn't feel like my birthday was 2 days away (for those who dont know..my birthady was on the 5th but the surprise was on the 3rd)..little did i know know what was being planned..!!
Sunday night i was back at my aunt's house and i cut a pizza instead of a cake (cause I'm off chocolates,sweets aerated drinks and snacks, which are basically all of my weaknesses..for lent) and i poped open my first bottle of
Rosé which was absolutely delicious plus i got slightly tipsy on some
absinthe..it was a day for drinking or rather a day of initiation into the getting drunk phase of my life... Just for the record I wasn't drunk that night..and i don't think I'll ever be...(am i talking too soon..??) So that night was fun..took off on the Monday which was the actual date of my birthday because i don't think anyone should be made to do work on their birthday...!!
This week has been pretty darn hectic..!! Our darling professors decided to give us copious amounts of work to keep us busy for all eternity!!!! I feel like I'm missing out on something....oh ya..how could i forget..the new look..do you guys like it...I redid the banner and made all the sidebar banners myself (thank you very much) and basically did all the coding for the sidebar...I seriously want to learn how to make templates from square 1 to square whichever number it has to be till you get the template to look its best...Its quite interesting trying to put everything together....(please forgive my randomness..its almost 6 in the morning).Here's a pic of the old template...i cant bear to see it go without leaving at least a picture of it...

By the way..did i mention that i wa really sad to see the "glass of heaven" go..it seriously became a part of me...
A friend of mine from the real world has started a blog..she is one of the two people who know about my blog.. plus she's a really cool person who writes really well so make sure u guys check out her '
Memories of Ice'..!!!
So thats everything i have to say..or rather everything i remember..cause my eyes lids are almost all the way down..so until next time.......
p.s:started this post on the 5th..hence the date...(see how lazy i am..i couldn't even finish a post..!!)