Saturday, November 18, 2006

21 things i want to do before i die...

This list is absolutely in no particular order...

1) Climb up to the top of the empire state building...I mean walk up..(this I know will never happen,b'coz sadly I have absolutely no stamina..!!)

2) Bungee jump off the highest bridge in the world(wherever tat may be)

3) See disneyland entirely..ride every ride and hug every mouse ;)

4) Walk the entire length of the great wall of china..this is one thing that i've always dreamt of doing...

5) Live in the big apple..atleast for a york,new york...*sigh*...

6) Visit iceland..I probably wouldn't be able to handle the cold..but that isn't gonna stop me..

7) Read all the danielle steels' well on my way on this one..

8) Go scuba diving in the great barrier reef..

9) Have twin boys..he he he...

10) Go fishing...

11) Learn how to surf..and loose my fear for water...

12) Loose like 20 kilos and look 'hot' for atleast one day in my entire life..!!!

13) Learn how to make some delectable chilly that i'll never have to go hungry...(this is the gluton in me talking)

14) Write a book...guess the blogging is actually practice for the real thing...

15) Sing in a band....yea rite,like thats gonna happen..!!!

16) Try to make the world a better place in whatever small little way i can..for example..start a free hugs campaign..though i know that i would never have the guts to do tat...

17) Get a tattoo from chris garver..who by the way has a two year waiting list..

18) Learn to speak french like a true blue souhaite....

19) Try out every single cuisine there is..even veitnamese with its fried cockroaches...

20) Travel the world........................................

21) Have my dying wish fulfilled..whatever it may be...

I will keep adding to the above list as and when i think of things..till then.......

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