Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 6th, 2010

A date to remember, because according to some crappy quiz on facebook, I'm meant to meet my soulmate on that date.

Unbelieveble right?! I haven't written in almost three months and the only thing that's motivated me enough to post is some stupid result from some retarded quiz on facebook of all places! What can I say, the dreariness of my life is forcing me to be a pathetic dumb ass, but let's not go into that right now.

God! I just spent half an hour doing random love quizzes on facebook, without realizing that it was showing up on my profile page even after I kept choosing the dam 'Skip' button. Seriously, I need to get a life.

I've been in such a funk lately. A more comprehensive update will be up soon, that is, if I can get my fingers to type out more than the usual three random sentences that never seem to get published!


Dimple Nangia said...

love the new layout! :)

good u updated! i need some inspiration to update myself!

good luck for the soul mate.

ruthibel said...

Well, hurry up already with the more comprehensive post...

Michelle said...

the facebook quizzes are addictive! :) oo i'll add you :)

YY said...

I know that I'm not supposed to base my life on those FB quizzes.. but sometimes I wonder if they are true. (only the good results one of course!) ahaha

Mystique said...

you SHOULD write more.

Anonymous said...

Just.. Ditto. :)

Imagination said...
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Imagination said...

Why don't you write about a nice memory from childhood or in school...just to kick this writer's block?

Anonymous said...

Visiting after a long, long time. How have you been? :)

Lovely new template, btw!

P.S. Time to post that comprehensive update, don't you think?

scarlet pimpernel said...

superhit lay out

z.b said...

hehe...hey loved ur template too!
btw nyc 2 ciow write :)